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Next Level Coaching, LLC.

VISION: To be recognized as the premier provider of professional development training and coaching for early and mid-career professionals

MISSION: We provide a professional coaching service that helps our clients excel in their chosen field and within their respective industry

MOTTO: "Helping others become what they know they can be"

Keith Washington, Principal

The great American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best: “Our chief want in life is somebody who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” NEXT LEVEL COACHING, LLC represents Keith’s ambition to be that "somebody"who helps others become what they know they can be. Through Keith’s collegiate experiences on the football field and his professional experiences in corporate America, he is well-qualified to be that “somebody” Emerson described.

Keith’s journey includes positions in manufacturing management, supply chain management, and executive leadership across multiple industries. In each of these roles, Keith was employed by organizations that were international leaders in their respective industries. Keith’s positions of leadership afforded him the opportunity of international travel to Japan, Germany, Mexico, Finland, China, South Korea, Dominican Republic, and Ireland. Additionally, Keith learned invaluable lessons from corporate leaders as he witnessed their responses to multiple once-in-a-generation challenges to the businesses they led; the learning from these challenges could not be acquired through a textbook or classroom.

Early in Keith’s professional journey, he learned the importance of becoming the CEO of his own “business”, his career. In taking on the responsibility for his development, Keith embraced the sacrifices and challenges that come with professional progress.

Throughout Keith’s career, however, he has always had a passion for supporting the development of students and aspiring professionals through coaching. His ability to coach has flourished from his mentoring days as a college athlete. In fact he has sponsored, hired, and coached multiple summer interns as a professional. Keith's coaching has proven effective as he has professionally coached and mentored numerous members of the teams he has led over the years. This has led to multiple promotions and overall professional growth for many.

In summary, one clear example of Keith's ability to coach was demonstrated when he recently served as a volunteer coach. In this role, Keith was randomly paired with a high school student for the purpose of preparing the student for an upcoming entrepreneurship competition. His assigned student went on to win at the state and national level.

As Keith reflects on his professional journey, he has accumulated invaluable experiences and lessons that would prove beneficial to anyone who aspires to reach the "Next Level".

If you feel that you could benefit from Keith’s coaching services, he would love to hear from you! NEXT LEVELCOACHING LLC was established as a platform to coach others to be “what they know they can be”!

Career Planning

Offering a methodical, short and long-term approach to outlining one's career plan with a clearly defined end-result in mind

Areas of Expertise

Public Speaking


Interview Preparation


Developing the skills required to effectively transfer information to one's intended audience whether to inform, demonstrate, or persuade

The development of the necessary skills required to exercise flexibility while managing change within a corporate environment

Carving a concise message that will enable one to present the most accurate depiction of one's professional qualities and skills during the interview

In-depth exercises designed to enhance the skills required to formulate and articulate your message (e.g. verbal and non-verbal messaging)

Business Acumen

Developing a keen awareness and understanding of how business works, how it generates a profit, and how strategies and decisions impact financial results

Leadership Development

Defining the essential skills associated with influencing and guiding members of an organization in a common direction and towards a common goal

Problem Solving


Implementing a systematic process that reduces or removes obstacles that are preventing you from accomplishing your personal or professional objectives

Professional Presence


The process of refining and effectively demonstrating respect, confidence, integrity, optimism, passion, and empathy- all of which are essential in the workplace


An introduction to the precepts of effective negotiations, a critically important skill every business leader should possess

Guiding Principles

“Our chief want in life is somebody who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Make honesty and integrity the primary attributes of every interaction

Embrace and develop the unique potential of each client

Nurture every relationship into an opportunity to share and grow

Treat each client with the utmost respect and dignity

Offer the best version of ourselves to our clients

Recognize and cultivate the strengths that each client possesses

Client Testimonials

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With Keith as my mentor, I have soared professionally, receiving 4 promotions in 6 years. More importantly, I have developed the self-confidence necessary for success in my career and in life. He has a special way of helping you discover your own strengths and unique qualities, and opportunities for development where insecurities lie. This has proven invaluable to me, and I can't say enough about the effect it has had on my career. His encouragement and advice has led me to places that I never thought I would go.

-P.M. Director, Indirect Procurement

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Under his guidance and sponsorship, I have secured intern experiences in China, my first post undergraduate position, and acceptance into a Top 20 MBA program. It seems as though every major professional milestone in my life is littered with Keith's fingerprints. Keith's approach to cultivating talent personifies an old adage my grandfather used to say. It goes, 'If a man knows a thing and does not share it, when he dies, it will be as if he never knew it at all.' Keith's example has helped to crystalize this simple wisdom for me. For Keith, the station of leadership does not serve as access to a pedestal, but it is a station of service!

-J.S. Director or PMO

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When I think of words to describe Keith, several come to mind: motivator, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and a constructive opinion giver. Keith does not take the mentoring relationship lightly and he understands that good mentoring requires time and commitment and he is willing to continually share information and provide ongoing support...Keith's list of mentees has stretched so long that I often wonder if he has missed his ultimate calling. But being the professional that he is, Keith has managed to balance the heavy workload of corporate America with his true passion of mentoring.

-F.T. Senior Manager Port Operations

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For the past 2 years I struggled with finding an approach that would improve my career opportunities and broaden my marketability. A colleague offered some support and recommended I speak with Keith about mentoring. In the subsequent months, through Keith's mentoring, an out of focus and unsure individual, transformed into a composed and sure footed, agent of change...I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Keith and am forever grateful for his support, guidance, and professionalism...Keith has my highest recommendation for anyone seeking to improve their professional output.

-A.A. Supply Chain Professional

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I reluctantly started NFTE after pressure from my teacher, and a few NFTE staff not knowing how much they had to offer me. I assumed it was just another time-consuming school activity, but soon realized it had the potential to teach me great business, and public speaking skills. After winning my school competition, I was informed that I would be getting a mentor. I’ve never had a mentor in any aspect of my life at that point. I lived with a single parent, and took over the role as the second adult in the household so I was used to doing things on my own. NFTE assigned Keith Washington, to be my mentor. I credit Keith for the reason I got so far and learned so much during the competition. Not only were our meetings insightful but he even helped me work on my public speaking skills. I used to talk too fast, and mumble and half of the time we focused on slowing down but making sure we meet the time limit. Besides devoting his time away from his family and work to help me achieve my goals, he also unexpectedly met with me at the Miami Convention Center competition. My mom could not leave work to make it, so I drove myself to Miami and had to deal with it on my own, looking onto a crowd of a few hundred unfamiliar faces, until I looked over and saw Keith waving to me. No one else had a mentor there with them and I felt truly grateful that Keith came to support me. The timing couldn’t have been better for NFTE to assign Keith as my mentor. We clicked so well, and I really took everything he had to say to heart.

-J.R. Real Estate Agent

Recent Events

Non-Profit Partnerships

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In an effort to support the career readiness of aspiring professionals at the high school and collegiate level, a robust leadership development training curriculum has been established with the goal and mission “To Help Others Become What They Know They Can Be”. We want to provide this training to not only college student-athletes but to high school student-athletes as well.

To achieve the goals described above, we are launching a fundraiser that will provide these professional training services to those who have an interest in receiving this training but cannot afford this service. For every $1000 donated, one person will receive ten sessions of professional coaching from a career/life coach in Fund Recovery's vetted network of providers. We believe that this type of support is critical for individuals who are in the process of making the major life transition from student to professional.

The career coach will bring a background as a former student-athlete along with several years of diverse and progressive corporate leadership experiences. These insights and experiences have become the basis of the career development and leadership curriculum that will be used to train aspiring professionals.

Let's work


Every success is a team collaboration
